
Our Mission

To share hope, show love, shine light & declare freedom and restoration over women worldwide.

Isaiah 42:5-9

Established in 2016 i am BELOVED began out of a personal hurt and discovery of self. My personal story began when I made the realization that I am always, fully and eternally loved. I no longer live for approval or acceptance. Through this process I learned to love myself. An easy concept, yet so difficult to achieve.

Like many women today I lived in hurt. Some hurt was placed on by others, but a lot was hurt I placed on myself through personal losses and disappointments.

By recognizing and accepting God’s love for me even in my imperfections, I was able to recognize that I can be a work in progress and still be fully loved.

HIS love changed everything.

It all begins with love. My mission, dream and ministry through i am BELOVED is to encourage women to re-discover and love themselves as God created them to be. To experience personal healing, and as a result witness lives transformed.

Romans 9:25

“… and her who was not beloved I will call ‘beloved.’”